All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract IP address type implemented by V4 and V6.
Discrete set interface of zero to Family.max() Addresses.
Static factory methods for creating AddressSets, Ranges and Blocks.
Range interface that forms RFC-4632 Classless Inter-domain Routing block of IP Addresses.
Address factory and utility type for IpV4 and IpV6 obtained via Family.v4() and Family.v6().
Indicates the provided argument cannot be parsed to the expected type.
AddressSet interface that forms contiguous range of one or more Addresses.
Provides utility methods for working with RFC-4632 Classless Inter-domain Routing blocks of IP addresses for a given Family.
Immutable IPv4 Address and 32-bit unsigned integer value.
Immutable IPv6 Address and 128-bit unsigned integer value.